Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Cold feet? In June?

So Anthony, I know it's a cool, dry 70-something degrees out there today, which is highly uncharacteristic for the D.C. area in mid-June, but slippers? Seriously? You insisted on wearing these all morning, whether you were playing with your trucks, helping me clean the house, eating a snack, etc.! You are so funny, you make me laugh - love you like crazy!


Megz said...

LOVE these pics!!!
Does he love to put things on his feet? Jonathan's obsessed!

Anthony's getting so big and old looking...can't stand it.:)

Mom said...

I agree, Meg...Anthony IS "getting so big and old looking"(as if I should talk?!). And just for the record, Sir Anthony, I love you, too...a whole bunch! It was fun talking to you on the phone this morning...our first REAL phone conversation...too cool! :-)