As a Hokie, I feel obliged to acknowledge the events that took place a year ago today that have been dubbed, "The Virginia Tech Tragedy." I took these pictures last May when we went camping just south of Blacksburg and took a day trip to our alma mater. I still can't put into words how that tragedy affected me. I know I graduated almost 10 years ago now (holy cow, has it really been that long?!), but I honestly felt violated as I watched the news unfold a year ago. How could someone do that at my school? My school, a place that only held happy memories for me. And now, for so many, is associated with such sadness. It's hard for me to comprehend. I feel for everyone that was directly involved and today I pause for a moment to remember all the lives that have been forever changed. However, as Nikki Giovanni wrote in her poignant, and now famous, poem, "We are the Hokies and we will prevail." I don't think anyone could argue with that. The Hokie Nation (I know it sounds ridiculous to those of you who aren't Virginia Tech alum) really banded together and prevailed. I am most proud to be among them.
And 4 other random thoughts today:
- I am already so sick of all the coverage and hoopla surrounding the Pope's visit to the U.S. and it hasn't even been 24 hours yet. Oprah was pre-empted yesterday so that we could watch as the Pope stepped off the plane at Andrew's Air Force Base. I mean, seriously? Sorry to all you Catholics out there, but I am genuinely annoyed.
- Can I just get 2 seconds where I don't have to wipe snot off of Anthony's face? I mean I feel really sorry for the kid since he's sneezing non-stop and I think he's experiencing some sort of spring allergies, but mama needs a break! And more money to invest in Puffs Plus. And more patience to deal with all the crankiness. Holy shit.
- I am really psyched about starting my yoga class tonight. They offer it at my gym, but I've been afraid to go to a class because none of them are "for beginners." So I decided to sign up for an 8-week class through the county. My reasoning is that if I pay to learn the basics, I can then go to free classes at my gym with much more confidence. Wish me luck!
- The weather today is absolutely gorgeous. I am so looking forward to taking Anthony outside after naptime so he can play with his "ross" (read: rocks) and "veese" (read: leaves) while I mow the lawn. I love mowing the lawn.
okat, girl...this is just way too cool...am totally impressed!!! loved reading what you wrote! thanks for deeming me worthy of participation!
Love you a bunch,
What a great post--especially the homage to VT. Can't imagine how that must still feel knowing it happened at your alma mater.:(
Congrats on the Yoga! I know how you feel--I was intimidated when I first started as well. But hopefully you'll get to a point, very quickly, where you'll realize that it's so much LESS about anyone else in the room than yourself. Unlike other classes you and I love, right? Anyway, enjoy! I'm starting my second session already at a local yoga studio next week...way addicted, and loving it.
Sounds cheesey, but it really does change your attitude toward things.
Ok, nuf said!
Love the random thoughts...keep em coming! Your off to such a great start!:)
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