Congratulations, Heather and Looney! What a beautiful wedding and what fun memories were made this weekend. Thank you. Here are some reasons why the wedding and all the festivities surrounding it this weekend were so memorable and so special:
- The couple exuded excitement and happiness.
- The bride was beautiful.
- The weather was perfect.
- The weather was perfect.
- The groom and his "men" walked into the ceremony to "The Final Countdown," wearing shades and giving each other high-fives as they took their places in line - AWESOME moment!
- There was a surprise 80s cover band at the reception. Rock on!
- Good friends were in abundance.
- Walked around the hotel the night before the wedding with Heather, Looney, and Yo - wine glasses filled and in hand - taking stupid pictures and acting like we were in high school and not caring about what others thought and having a complete blast.
- The day of the wedding was completely relaxed.
- I made it through the Matron of Honor speech at the reception and got loads of compliments on it throughout the night.
- The wine flowed...all weekend!
- I got to take pictures of Heather and Looney practicing their first dance in the hotel room after the rehearsal. They were so cute and acted as if nobody else was in the room watching them. Lots of laughs. In that moment, all that mattered was the two of them.
- Mark looked me in the eyes as we were dancing at the wedding and told me he loved me. For us, life doesn't allow for moments like that very often anymore and we don't make time as often as we should to give those moments an opportunity to present themselves. It was treasured.
- I looked at one of Heather's bridesmaids, who happens to be gay, during the same song and saw her dancing with her girlfriend - so happy and so in love - without anyone giving them a moment's notice. That's the way it should be.
-I looked over at 2 friends of ours, that have gone through a really low point in their marriage over the course of the last year and a half, during that same song and noticed that they were smiling at each other as they danced. It gave me hope.
- As I sat alone watching Heather dance with her dad during the father-daughter dance, I got a tad emotional and one of the other bridesmaids pulled up a chair next to me and told me that she knew how I felt. She lost her dad 10 years ago and promised me that it keeps getting easier.
- Watching Mark and my mom dance. Watching Looney and my mom dance. Watching my mom order a drink at the bar, turn around and see me standing behind her, and giving me this "on no, she caught me" smile as if I was her mom and she was my daughter. All were good times. :)
- At one point I looked over at Mark and Laura and they were talking and laughing and just looked like they were really having a fun time together. I am so thankful and feel so lucky that my husband and my siblings genuinely enjoy their time together.
- I had a heart-to-heart with Joe. I miss those with him. Conversations with him are always so meaningful and so deep.
- Both of Heather's parents came up to me at different times during the reception to thank me for being such a good friend to Heather. I have always considered her one of my closest friends and being by her side throughout this whole wedding experience has made me grow even closer to her. She truly is like a sister.
All in all, from the minute the rehearsal began to bidding farewell to the happy couple as they walked away from the ballroom and into the elevator, it was a weekend that will never be forgotten. Here are some pictures:

1 comment:
What a gorgeous post!
Made me get a bit teary, especially the part about your dad. And Mark.
Were Chuck and Lizzie the ones you were talking about?
Love that you and your whole family had such a wonderful time...wish we could've seen it in person.
I'm also glad your MOH speech went so well!!! I know you were nervous. Doesn't it feel great to have it overwith? I'm sure it was heartfelt, and is likely why it touched so many people. I ended up spending WAY more time than I ever imagined on writing Denise and Paul's speech...and had the same response as you. People were coming up to me all night (not that it was the same thing, but you know what I mean!)...my point is that I think when you're truly near and close to someone's heart, and they to yours...it comes through, and people can't help but be moved by it.
Way to go--you did an awesome job!
And the pics are lovely.
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