In a world where behavior is very much dictated by gender roles, I try my hardest to give Anthony the impression that it is okay to be who he is and do what he wants as long as he's not breaking any rules. If he wants to play with a doll, who cares? If he wants to play dress-up with Mommy's jewelry, who cares? And if he wants to file his nails while Mommy gives herself a pedicure because that's what he sees Mommy doing...who cares? My point being that I never want to be the kind of parent that forces my hopes and dreams and thoughts down my child's throat. I want him to grow up feeling comfortable about himself and about his choices. I want him to know that it's okay for boys to do "girly things" and girls to do "boy things" and not be ashamed of that; rather, be proud of it and of who he is...whoever his little self ends up growing up to be.
These were the random thoughts that went through my head as Anthony helped me vacuum this morning. How great it is that he gets just as excited to help me clean (I know THAT will change!) as he gets about helping Daddy build a shed. I hope we, as parents, continue to foster that in him.
Here's to that, my friend!
I love these pictures...there's one, where Anthony is looking down at the floor, and I swear he looks SO much like your Dad.
Thank you, Meg. Thank you for making me take a minute to remind myself that my dad lives on through those that he loved. It is sometimes easy to lose sight of that. Your comment and your friendship mean the world to me.
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