Sunday, February 22, 2009

Gotta get 'em down...

...for posterity's sake.

While living with and raising an almost 2 1/2 year old son is challenging at best sometimes, there are also times that remind me why I love being a mom so much and why this kid absolutely KILLS me. He's hilarious!

In a taxi on our way to the airport last week heading to Grand Rapids, Anthony got to sit car seat-free (shhhh, don't call CPS!) in the back seat between Mark and I. He was seatbelted in of course, so we weren't being too negligent.
Anthony: Wowy-zowy, this is so much FUN! It's AMAZING!
Me: Yea? I'm so glad! Isn't this cool, Bud?
Anthony: Yes! (with his PLG lisp) It sure is!

In a taxi on our way home from the airport after getting back from Grand Rapids, Anthony, Mark, and I were discussing what Anthony was going to eat for dinner when we got home.
Me: So I think Mama will make fish sticks when we get home. Sound good?
Anthony: Yes! But how about Daddy?
Me: Do you think we should make Daddy some fish sticks too?
Anthony: Yes. Only 2 fish sticks.
Me: Only 2 fish sticks for Daddy? What about Mama?
Anthony: Uhhhh, just 1 for Mama. (Does he know I'm on WW or what?!)
Me: Oooookay. And how about for Anthony?
Anthony: For ME? Just "wasa" (read: lots of) fish sticks for Anthony!!!!

Seriously? So funny! Love him!


Lauren said...

Old news flash: Anthony is adorable.
Wowy-zowy?? I love it! I may have to start using that phrase so that Jacob will pick it up. :)
And I'm glad I'm not the only one who makes fish sticks for dinner occasionally. Would you believe that Jacob hates them? What kid doesn't like fish sticks?!

Megz said...

My boys hate fish sticks, too...well, Jonny doesn't really know much about them with his allergies, but Benjamin definitely hates them.

Anyway, LOVE the Anthony stories...such a cute little nugget. And I'm so loving the fact that I can HEAR the lisp in my head now!