I have been waiting for today for a looooooong time. And I must say, it's a bit ridiculous how obsessed I've been with all of the election coverage so far today. It's all so very exciting to me.
Last night, Mark, Courtney, and I went to Obama's last pre-Election Day rally.

We were told that there were 80,000+ people in attendance. Everywhere I looked, there were people from all different races, all different nationalities, all different ages.
The hope...
the energy...
the enthusiasm...
the excitement...
...all SO palpable.
It was awesome.
In addition to the elements of what has come to be familiar Barack Obama campaign rhetoric, he said something that I hadn't heard before and that really struck me. As some people booed Obama's first mention of McCain, he quickly responded, "Oh no folks. Remember, we don't boo. We just vote."
Sure, there have been negative campaign ads and comments on either side of the aisle, but I strongly believe that Obama has run his campaign with such integrity. He has done such a good job of concentrating his efforts on explaining his ideas, thoughts, hopes, and intentions instead of trying to win this election by pointing out what his opponent hasn't done, why his opponent is wrong about the way he feels on certain issues, etc. etc. etc. And above all, he has always portrayed such a balanced sense of confidence and compassion and has remained so stoic throughout it all.
That gives me hope. And part of that hope is hoping that enough other people feel the same way...

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