You turned 2 yesterday and although you probably won't remember much of it when you're older, Daddy and I tried our hardest to make your birthday one that didn't feel like any other normal day and one in which you felt extra special. I think we just might have succeeded.
I stopped at the store on the way home from the gym yesterday morning so I could surprise you with a Happy Birthday balloon (you LOVE those things) and some chocolate donuts (your absolute love of "dodahs" was inevitable, considering the parents you've got!) for breakfast. You also opened cards from Daddy & I, Aunt Sue & Uncle Jim, and Aunt Jo & Uncle Donny. You were so excited about it all and I couldn't stop smiling. You appreciate the simplest things and remind me constantly how important it is do take time to recognize that.

After breakfast, you helped Daddy put together the play kitchen/grill that he and I bought you. It's awesome and you love it. You especially love wearing the chef's hat and have already made us countless cups of coffee, hamburgers, bread, and hot dogs. And you're so good with reminding us that the grill is "hos" (hot) and that we need to blow on it to cool it off. :)

Although you could have played with your present all day, we had to get ready quickly because Grandma was on her way over. She surprised you with another clothes! You had such a fun time trying them on...and of course wouldn't let me help you. And by the way, you absolutely adore Grandma...and she adores you beyond belief. It's fun for me to watch your relationship with her strengthen and evolve as time goes on. I can't put into words how special it is.

I bought tickets for you, me, and Grandma to go see Harold and the Purple Crayon at the Adventure Theater yesterday morning. We checked the book out at the library 2 weeks ago and have been reading it since then in anticipation of the show, so you were really excited when you realized that Harold was right in front of us on stage! It was a great show. You made me SO proud and so happy because you really seemed to like it and behaved so well during the performance. You insisted on sitting on the riser yourself, right between Grandma and I. You'll never understand what I'm about to say, but at one point during the show, you quietly and discreetly scooted over to me and climbed in my lap. Not a word was said and not a glance was taken in my direction, but knowing that you still need me and love me enough to want to cuddle with me like that, especially at this point in your life when you are increasingly yearning to be more independent, melted my heart and made me feel like the luckiest mom in the world.

Grandma treated us to lunch at the Lost Dog Cafe after the show. You had a blast drinking water with a straw from a big boy cup and, despite Grandma's prediction that you'd be too full (from all the water!) to eat your grilled cheese, you tackled that thing like a champ! Just like you always do. You LOVE to eat. That is one thing that has never changed since the day you were born. After lunch, we came home for a much-needed nap!
After a long nap and some more playing with your kitchen, we headed out to pick Daddy up from the Metro. We were picking him up so that we could meet up with Uncle Dan at Generous George's for your birthday dinner. The relationship you have with Uncle Dan is so neat. He's one of Daddy's best friends and loves you so much. And you know what? Since you were old enough to smile, pictures confirm that you love him just the same. You think he's awesome and you have so much fun with him. He makes you laugh all the time and genuinely enjoys playing with you. You got to sit next to him at dinner and loved every second of it. Dinner was fun and you loved the mozzarella sticks and "peesa" (pizza)! And just because it was your birthday, the waiter brought you a special birthday balloon and an ice cream sundae for dessert...which of course, you thought was fantastic.

You stayed up late last night. You usually go to bed around 7:30pm these days, but because it was your birthday, we let you stay up a little later so that you could show Uncle Dan your kitchen and grill when we got home for dinner. You were so excited to show him and he totally indulged you. Like I said, Uncle Dan is special.
So yes, I think you had a great birthday yesterday. I have to tell you that while you were napping, I popped in the DVD video of the day you were born. Although I didn't cry as much as I thought I would, I got very teary. That day 2 years ago seems like a lifetime ago. It's getting to the point where I can't remember life without you. Watching as the nurse cleaned you off right after you were born, I was struck by how little and how helpless you looked.

And now, in the blink of an eye, it seems you've grown into this little boy that is so strong-willed and wants to do everything on your own. You are so curious and so full of enthusiasm for everything. You want so badly to do everything yourself. You want to be a risk-taker, but you don't like taking risks. You like to test limits and boundaries, but you are also so affectionate and never hesitate to give kisses or tell me that you love me. You love smiling and laughing. You love to eat. You run everywhere because you just can't get there fast enough. You love doing things for other people. You love trains, cars, your blankie, sucking your thumb, being outside and getting dirty, coloring, helping out whenever and where ever you can, playing with your friends, singing, talking, taking baths, reading books - the list goes on and on. You are just busting at the seams with excitement for everything you do.
I can't put into words how special you are to Daddy and I. We love you SO SO SO much and we are beyond proud of who you are and the person you're growing up to be. Happy 2nd birthday, sweet Budly.

Love always,
1 comment:
That post made me teary-eyed. I can relate to so much of what you wrote. I'm glad Anthony had such a happy birthday! I wish we lived closer so Jacob & Alex could celebrate it with him. :) By the way, he looks completely adorable in that chef's hat!
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