Thursday, July 31, 2008
And this is what I think of all of that, Mom...
I just put Anthony down for a nap. As I was in the process of changing his diaper, more specifically, wiping his butt, he let's out a series of farts. And they were the kind of farts that didn't accidentally fly out of the hole. Oh no. These were the "my face is turning red because I'm pushing" farts. I gasp, quickly lock eyes with him, and give him that "I can't believe you just intentionally farted in my face" look.
What does he do? I'll give you three guesses...
one more guess
I guess Daddy does have a hand in helping to mold this young creature after all...
It's all happening too fast...
I can't believe that in a short 2 months, my "little" Budly will be turning 2. In some ways, I still think of him as my baby - that will probably never change. But then I'll see him against a true baby and am honestly shocked at how much bigger, older, developed, etc. he is than the real baby. Let's just say that it puts things into perspective.
And I have to admit, I get a little sad. Don't get me wrong, watching him learn and grow is something that is so exciting and fun for me that I can't even put it into words. But knowing that each day brings him a greater sense of independence makes me realize that he's going to need me less and less. It's already happening. And I know that's normal and the rational part of me encourages it. But I also can't help but feel a bit sad.
So what makes me come out with all this at this point in time, you may ask? At Music class this morning, I had one of those moments where I caught myself watching Anthony from afar. I was sitting in the outer circle and he was sitting inside the circle, playing his sticks with the rest of his class. I watched as he intently studied what Miss Brieanne (yes, that's how she really spells it - makes you hungry, no?) did with the sticks and then tried doing the same thing. I watched him interact with his peers, never once looking to me. I was so proud of him. And I was so happy for him. But, I have never been that acutely aware that I was merely a bystander. In that moment, I caught my first glimpse of what it's going to be like for him, and me, when he goes to school and doesn't have me around 24/7. He'll do fine. Me...well, I'm not so sure... But, that's several years down the road.
Thank goodness.
Monday, July 28, 2008
Seattle or Bust

That's right, good guess. I never made it to Seattle. LONG (let me point out that this is a mere understatement) story short, we were supposed to fly out of Baltimore early Thursday morning, fly straight to Seattle, and have the better part of 4 days to live out the carefully planned itinerary we crafted before leaving. But, Mother Nature threw us a curve-ball Wednesday night that f'ed up EVERYthing at the airport the following morning. Lucky us. We missed our original flight, even though we got up at 4:30am to make it to BWI long before our flight, due to long lines and nasty, incompetent AirTran employees that didn't want to give us the time of day. After unsuccessfully trying to fly stand-by on the next flight, we decided to spend the day in Baltimore, and return to BWI that evening to give it one last shot. Went to an Orioles game, visited several bars in the Inner Harbor, and traveled back to BWI only to be denied once again. And oh yeah, did I mention that our luggage had already made it to Seattle? On the flight we were originally supposed to be on? Yeaaaaaaa. The silver lining? We got a full refund on our airline tickets and hotel. I have nothing else to say about this. I, we, were all thoroughly disgusted by the end of the day.
So instead of Seattle, I went camping in PA with Mark and Anthony. Dan and Amy met us there and we had a great time. It wasn't a "me weekend" like I had planned, but it was fun and I really am glad I got to go.
The moral of the story? Air travel SUCKS. I'm seriously starting to question whether or not it's worth it anymore.
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Mommy: sneaks in and peeks into A's crib through two of the slats
Anthony: "Peet-bo!"
Scene 2
Mommy: "Here you go Bud" - hands A a spoon full of peanut butter
Anthony: in a barely audible whisper - "Woooaahhh. Bee-do."
Sometimes I just can't take the cuteness.
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Taking A Break
enjoying a much needed visit from my best friend, Michele - lots of quality time, lots of girl time, lots of good talks, lots of wine, lots of catching up, LOTS of fun - love you, Shell
a fantastic 4th of July BBQ on Bolling AFB with good friends and a view of the D.C. fireworks from an upstairs bedroom - no crowds, no traffic, no humidity, a king-sized bed to crash on, and a wine glass that managed to stay full throughout the evening...
having fun pulling around and taking rides around the neighborhood in our wagon (yes, our wagon WAS pretty ghetto - note Mark's solution to the broken door lock - we have since ordered a new lock and all is fixed...and oh yea, Anthony IS in his jammies)
having fun playing with Mama's jewelry
numerous playdates with Jade
traveling to Pensacola Beach, FL for our friends' wedding - Anthony was the ring bearer and did a fantastic job, despite all the changes in routine/schedule - and getting to spend some quality family time together

We got back from Pensacola yesterday. Now I must frantically go finish doing laundry and getting things ready for my 4-day Girls' Trip to Seattle. I leave on Thursday and come back on Sunday. Mark will be taking Anthony camping while I'm gone. If you are reading this and you are a mother, you understand the daunting task I have ahead of me in trying to plan and prepare and anticipate all that will be needed during my absence. It will be well-worth it though - for all 3 of us! Bring it!