Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Today I love...

* Anthony's Eskimo kisses

* Anthony's bear hugs

* the avocado I had on my sandwich for lunch

* Anthony's long nap

* thunderstorms

* new pedicures (even if they are "homemade")

* clean laundry

* Barack's (almost) victory(!) and his speech last night

With regards to this last point, I am like a kid on Christmas morning right now. I am finding myself so excited about this election that I couldn't go to sleep last night. I stayed up, flipping between MSNBC and CNN, watching coverage of all the excitement until 11pm. McCain's speech left lots to be desired in my opinion. Frankly, he annoyed the crap out of me. I found it hilarious that all of the networks broadcasting his speech cut it off as soon as there was "breaking news" that Obama had won the presumptive Democratic presidential nomination. And then instead of going back to McCain and his "that's not change we can believe in" speech (rolling my eyes), they opted to contemplate the presumptive nomination instead. Yes, very funny. And Hillary? I thought her speech was good. I just hope that when the time comes to concede, she serves as a uniting force for the Democratic party instead of a wedge. If Obama is going to win the general election in the fall, the Democrats really need to unite and support him 100%. Her speech last night seemed promising. We shall see...

Seriously, am I the only one who's this excited?!


Oberon said...'m excited too......sometimes.....i talk to strangers.

Megz said...

I loved Barack's speech as KNOW I did.:)
I've been meaning to comment on this blog for days...but have been otherwise detained.
Hope you're well!

And sorry, but who's the random (arrow pointing up here)?