While living with and raising an almost 2 1/2 year old son is challenging at best sometimes, there are also times that remind me why I love being a mom so much and why this kid absolutely KILLS me. He's hilarious!
In a taxi on our way to the airport last week heading to Grand Rapids, Anthony got to sit car seat-free (shhhh, don't call CPS!) in the back seat between Mark and I. He was seatbelted in of course, so we weren't being too negligent.
Anthony: Wowy-zowy, this is so much FUN! It's AMAZING!
Me: Yea? I'm so glad! Isn't this cool, Bud?
Anthony: Yes! (with his PLG lisp) It sure is!
In a taxi on our way home from the airport after getting back from Grand Rapids, Anthony, Mark, and I were discussing what Anthony was going to eat for dinner when we got home.
Me: So I think Mama will make fish sticks when we get home. Sound good?
Anthony: Yes! But how about Daddy?
Me: Do you think we should make Daddy some fish sticks too?
Anthony: Yes. Only 2 fish sticks.
Me: Only 2 fish sticks for Daddy? What about Mama?
Anthony: Uhhhh, just 1 for Mama. (Does he know I'm on WW or what?!)
Me: Oooookay. And how about for Anthony?
Anthony: For ME? Just "wasa" (read: lots of) fish sticks for Anthony!!!!
Seriously? So funny! Love him!