Friday, March 20, 2009

Thanks for the reminder, sweet boy.

This conversation occurred out of the blue yesterday as I was putting on Anthony's shoes to head out to the grocery store for our weekly grocery run.

Anthony: Mama, I'm so glad you're here.
Me: Awwww, thanks Bud! I'm so glad you're here too. I love you so much.
Anthony: (leans over and puts his arms around my neck) I love you too, Mama.

My heart melted. He'll never know what moments like that do for me.

He's all boy.


I have toyed with the idea of posting/not posting this for several days because I know that one day, Anthony will be old enough to read this and further down the road, old enough to be embarrassed by it. But, I've decided to document it because it was so darn funny!

Two mornings ago, Mark was changing Anthony's diaper first thing in the morning.

Anthony: Wut(i.e., "look"), Daddy. My penis. It's longer!
Mark: Ummmm. Uhhhhh. That's right, Bud. You've got a hard-on.

Two conclusions I came to after hearing this story:

1) if there was any doubt in anyone's mind that Anthony is all boy, ladies and gentlemen, here is your proof that he is indeed just that and

2) the jury is still out on which of the 2 is more mature - Anthony for only being 2 1/2 years old and using the correct, scientific name for his penis or Mark for being 36 years old and explaining Anthony's erection to him as "having a hard-on."

Sorry, couldn't resist.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Gotta get 'em down...

...for posterity's sake.

While living with and raising an almost 2 1/2 year old son is challenging at best sometimes, there are also times that remind me why I love being a mom so much and why this kid absolutely KILLS me. He's hilarious!

In a taxi on our way to the airport last week heading to Grand Rapids, Anthony got to sit car seat-free (shhhh, don't call CPS!) in the back seat between Mark and I. He was seatbelted in of course, so we weren't being too negligent.
Anthony: Wowy-zowy, this is so much FUN! It's AMAZING!
Me: Yea? I'm so glad! Isn't this cool, Bud?
Anthony: Yes! (with his PLG lisp) It sure is!

In a taxi on our way home from the airport after getting back from Grand Rapids, Anthony, Mark, and I were discussing what Anthony was going to eat for dinner when we got home.
Me: So I think Mama will make fish sticks when we get home. Sound good?
Anthony: Yes! But how about Daddy?
Me: Do you think we should make Daddy some fish sticks too?
Anthony: Yes. Only 2 fish sticks.
Me: Only 2 fish sticks for Daddy? What about Mama?
Anthony: Uhhhh, just 1 for Mama. (Does he know I'm on WW or what?!)
Me: Oooookay. And how about for Anthony?
Anthony: For ME? Just "wasa" (read: lots of) fish sticks for Anthony!!!!

Seriously? So funny! Love him!

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

I'm on a roll!

(Like I said, blog-worthy stuff happens all the time around here!)

Anthony: Mama? I'll be riiiight bat. See you yay-tuh!

Not sure what he was looking for, but I hope he found it!

These are the hands...

...that will one day do great big things. But, I always want to remember the cute, chunky chub they started out as.

What better way to spend part of a snowy, icy day than finger-painting? Maybe following it up with playing in the sink to wash the paint off? Ding, we have a winner!

Cookies, anyone?

Me: Hey Bud, would you like a cookie?

Anthony: Uhhhh, no fanks.

Me: Really? No cookie?

Anthony: Uhhhh, Mama? How bout jus 3 tooties, otay?

That's my boy!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Easing back into it...

Today's date: January 27th.

The date of my last post: December 9th.


Yes, I realize it's been almost 2 months since my last post. No excuse, just haven't felt like blogging.

Life with a 2-year old monster, I mean, little boy, presents a plethora of blog-worthy tid-bits and I am somewhat mad at myself for not seizing the opportunities to blog about them as they occurred, you know, for posterity's sake.

Ah well, must move on.

So here's a tid-bit that occurred last night:

Anthony and I always do our grocery shopping on Mondays. Since I'm a normal mom, which means that bribery can be my best friend at times, I have instilled in my sweet, rambunctious toddler the idea that if he's good while we gather the week's groceries, he'll be rewarded with his pick of one item out of the bakery. It works like a charm. Anyway, so we do our shopping, he picks out his tiny heart-shaped cookie sprinkled with powdered sugar (which, why he picked that out of ALL of the awesome, huge, calorie-packed donuts sitting right next to it is beyond me, but I digress), we head to the check-out line, and then Anthony proceeds to exclaim, "Oh no, Mama! How 'bout we get Daddy a treat too?" (Does he know his daddy or what?!) He decides on a Take 5 bar.

Fast-forward to when Mark gets home. I whisper in Anthony's ear and ask him if he wants to give Daddy his treat. He got this HUGE smile on his face, ran to the get the chocolate, ran over to Mark and said (in this really excited, you're-never-going-to-believe-this voice), "Hey Daddy look! I bought you something! How 'bout we open it and I have a bite, otay?!" (Hmmmm, does he possibly get THAT from his Mama? I wonder...)

And just cause he's so darn cute and had so much fun playing in the snow today:

(Ok, Lauren - there you go. You can stop obsessively checking for a new post. The wait it over! *smile*)