21) Getting dressed up to go out.

22) Going to the Skydome, a bar that spins to give you a 360 degree view of D.C.
23) Martinis, rum & Diets, Absolut Mandarin shots. Need I say more?

24) Tech's 35-30 win over Nebraska, in Nebraska. GO HOKIES!
25) Spending "adult time," having "adult conversations," and doing "adult things" with some of my favorite people.

26) The fact that Brian was finally home, after a tour of duty in Lithuania...and knowing how happy Tina was to have him back.

27) Heading to the hookah bar with Courtney, Caity, Laura, & Mark to cap off the evening with a few more drinks and a double-apple hookah.
28) Coming home after a night out and having Toni tell us that Anthony is a pleasure to babysit and that he is the happiest child she has ever known. AND she said she wasn't lying. :)
29) Realizing that I had left my Amex at the hookah bar, tab open, and texting Caity who still (fortunately!) happened to be there with another friend and was able to grab it for me. The vino is calling, PIC, the vino is calling!
30) Laura and I taking forks to the pan of leftover lasagna...
31) ...while Mark was out getting us value meals from McDonald's. That's right. Lasagna and then McDonald's. No wonder I didn't have a hangover on Sunday.
Good times, my friends, good times! A wonderful day, all around. I couldn't have asked for better.